Monday, August 23, 2010

Stop crying your heart out.

I've been hitting one good song after another on itunes. Which is unusual because I usually skip every other one. I wonder why that is. Maybe it's because my taste in music is more leeway today?? Not sure.

~These are the songs I've been listening to since I got home ~
In and out of Love - Armin Van Buuren feat. Sharon Den Adel *
Eclipse (All yours) - Metric
Islands - The XX.
Here we go - Grits *
Sleepyhead - Passion pit
Symphony No.5 - Ludwig van Beethoven *
Stop crying your heart out - Oasis

Yeah...I think it is because I'm in a weird mood. The songs with stars next to them I really don't listen to that often.
SO ANYWAY, that was a long opening to my first blog post! (I've had multiple other blogs.) I'm hoping this one sticks though. I thought it was about time I needed to make this particular one. I have these thoughts in my head that are clawing and screaming to get out.

This is going to be my ED related blog. If you don't want to read about it, then you can leave. I'm not really sure what i have, it's definitely not mia, but it's not really anna either. I believe it might be ENDOS.
So this is just an introduction blog. I will post things relating to my ED and my random thoughts.

Adios amigos.

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